Kavett Chiropractors
Dr. Mark Kavett is a Chiropractor in Merrick using Chiropractic care to help Back Pain, Neck Pain, Arm Pain, Wrist Pain, Leg Pain and other Health Problems. Chiropractic Natural Correction and Prevention is Safe and Effective, and is included in Medicare, Health Insurance, Automobile Insurance, and Workers’ Compensation.
Kavett Chiropractors is located at 305 Merrick Avenue in Merrick, next to the First National Bank of Long Island Savings. Hours are by appointment.

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About Chiropractic.
What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic care is the natural, drugless method of health care that has helped patients for over 100 years. It is based on the idea that good health depends on a healthy spine with a normally functioning nervous system. Chiropractic is the science of locating nerve interference and removing the interference by adjusting the spinal vertebrae.
Our Insurance Network
Kavett Chiropractors works with most major insurance plans. Contact us for details about your coverage

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(516) 378-3440
305 Merrick Avenue
Merrick, NY 11566