Is your computer a pain in the neck? 

What do these conditions have in common? Neck pain;  shoulder pain;  arm pain;  wrist pain;  back pain;  leg pain;  eyestrain;  headaches?  Answer:   All of these conditions can be caused by working at a computer.

Nowadays, it is common for patients to come into our office with any combination of these symptoms. Chiropractic care will correct many of these conditions.  But it is important that the patient does not reinjure him or her-self when using the computer, and even better… avoid these problems in the first place.

Here are some tips for safely using your Computer.

  • Adjust or replace your chair so that your feet are flat on the floor or on a footrest, with the backs of your thighs resting evenly on the seat.  Avoid having your knees higher than your thighs (chair too low) or having your feet hanging free (chair too high).


  • Make sure the keyboard and mouse are positioned on a table so that your arms are level.  But it is very important to have your fingers and hands drop down to the keys. Many wrist problems are caused when the wrists are lower than the keyboard and the hands and fingers extend upward to the keys or mouse. Your hands should be like a piano player’s… higher than the keys with the fingers dropping down. A proper keyboard table should be a few inches lower than a writing desktop.  The monitor must be directly in front of the keyboard about 24 inches in front of your eyes.  It should be set at a height so that when you are typing, your eyes are in line with a point in the top one third of the screen. Tilt the screen up to remove any glare and to ease neck strain. 
  • The paperwork you are entering into the computer should be placed where you can see both the copy and the screen, by simply moving your eyes.  Using a copyholder positioned level with the monitor screen can help.

If you follow these guidelines you may avoid the physical problems caused by the use of a computer. However, if you already are suffering, we can help. Call us before your problem gets any worse



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